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The King

The King's Two Bodies by Ernst H. Kantorowicz

The King's Two Bodies

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The King's Two Bodies Ernst H. Kantorowicz ebook
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Format: pdf
ISBN: 0691017042, 9780691017044
Page: 309

Kantorowicz wrote a study called The King's Two Bodies designed, basically, to explain a puzzling phrase like "The King is Dead. 7 I first encountered this interpretation in Harold C. In his classic, The King's Two Bodies (1957), medievalist Ernst Kantorowicz describes a profound transformation in the concept of political authority over the course of the Middle Ages. Two years later I'd be on my way to San Francisco, sans diploma. Interestingtly, the normative Dictator [if there is such a thing] creates a new riff on the King's Two Bodies by personifying the State. There's a book called The King's Two Bodies by Ernst Kantorowicz, which I imagine covers the medieval theories on this in enormous detail. Here's a spontaneous thought experiment, by no means thought-out: maybe we could apply Kantorowicz's theses regarding the “King's Two Bodies” to the relation of “original” and “reproduction”. Two other body-guards, however, defended her bed-chamber until she had time to escape by a private staircase to the king's own room. That's probably worth a post of its own sometime! Royal Remains stands out, not only as the most important book on political philosophy of the last decade, but as a classic at the level of Walter Benjamin's 'Critique of Violence' or Ernst Kantorowicz's The King's Two Bodies. It's called The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Political Theology. I expect that the king's healing was therefore connected to the doctrine of the king's two bodies that still enjoyed some popularity in the Stuart period (certainly Charles I liked it!). The case in Pakistan, though, has some key departures. 6 On this, see the wonderful study of Ernst Kantorowicz, The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Political Theology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957). It was there that I found The H.D. Once in North Korea I got my minder alone in a place in which our conversation could not be monitored and proceeded to have a wide-ranging multi-hour conversation. Alongside Duncan's notebooks were boxes and boxes of manuscripts.

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